Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Sedia Riverside Hotel, Maun - Feeling Pink

The Pink Caravan has made a December visit to Sedia Riverside Hotel with 2 buses of Swedish travellers. They are a group of adventurers and holiday makers. First they plan their activities - game flights and trips into the Okavango Delta. Then they make merry.

With all the spirit of Christmas merrymakers they carry-on into the night - swimming, shooters, playing pool, singing and talking. There are at least 50 people in the group and everyone seems involved in the festivities. We wish them well on the remainder of their 5 country tour and hope they all have a Happy New Year!


Anonymous said...

This is a great post on Botswana Travel

Anonymous said...

Bom ano novo de Portugal.
Saudações literárias.